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Lauloa min? lupasin,
humalahan tultuani,
olvehen osattuani.
Lauloa min? lupasin,
humalan tultuani,
olvehen osattuani,
ilop??h?n p??sty?ni.
Viel?k? viinoa viruisi,
putelista pulputinta.
Lauleleisin kaikki p?iv?t,
kaiken y?t? huikkajaisin.
Mist' on viina synnytetty,
juoma kaunis kasvatettu.
jok' on joukossa ilona,
ravintona rahvahassa.
Joka miehet miellytt?vi,
ihmiset ilahduttavi,
saapi naiset naurusuulle,
miekkoset hyville mielin.
Lauloa min? lupasin,
humalahan tultuani.
Lauloa min? lupasin,
humalahan tultuani,
olvehen osattuani,
ilop??h?n p??sty?ni.
Viel?k? viinoa viruisi,
putelista pulputinta.
Lauleleisin kaikki p?iv?t,
kaiken y?t? huikkajaisin.
Voi kun jou'uin juomariksi,
ratkesin kyl?n ratiksi.
Joka pullon puistajaksi,
joka kannun kaatajaksi.
Sikuna miun sekoitti,
savuviina siksi saattoi.
Sikuna miun sekoitti,
savuviina siksi saattoi.
Mist' on viina synnytetty...
The Tippler
I promised you that I would sing,
When the beer rose to my head,
When I'd taken my fill of ale.
I promised you that I would sing,
When the beer rose to my head,
When I'd taken my fill of ale,
When the mirth was at its height.
Is there any more wine to flow from the bottle,
To bubble and whet my whistle?
For I would sing to you all the day,
I'd carol the whole night long.
Tell me, what is wine made of,
How come it is so beautiful?
The wine that brings joy where two are gathered,
That quenches the labourer's thirst.
The wine that warms the hearts of men,
And makes people laugh and be merry,
That brings a smile to women's lips,
And makes the fellows cheerful?
I promised you that I would sing,
When the beer rose to my head,
I promised you that I would sing,
When the beer rose to my head,
When I'd taken my fill of ale,
When the mirth was at its height.
Is there any more wine to flow from the bottle,
To bubble and whet my whistle?
For I would sing to you all the day,
I'd carol the whole night long.
How come that I have drunk so much,
Tippling for all the village?
Finishing up all the bottles,
Doing justice to all the jugs.
The spirit has set my head a-spinning,
The liquor made my mind confused.
The spirit has set my head a-spinning,
The liquor made my mind confused.
Tell me, what is wine made of...
Music: R. Potinoja, White Owl – Words: R. Potinoja, trad.
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