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Everybody bawlin'
They are calling out loud
Bawlin' for love
The pleasure of love I tell you
Everybody asking
Asking for what?
Asking for love
Yeah, yeah, give good sound, brother
Huh! Good gosh, sometimes we're shockin'
Get on your stocking and keep on walking
Huh! get your body one time
Live it up, Jack, I feel it is good
Their hands and their hands
Each and every day
Not a penny in their pockets
Suffer little children to come unto I
For they shall inherit the whole world, I tell you
Sing the song one time
Everybody bawlin'
Bawlin' for love
Yeah, yeah, get me brother
Everybody asking
Get on the move I tell you
Asking for love
So I'm callin' on the youths of today
For they are so strong as I play my song
Gonna play it on strong just for someone
Huh! Good gosh
Everybody bawlin'
Look at hear what I tell you
Bawlin' for love
A whole lot of love
Everybody asking
A little more love
Asking for love
Give me brother
Women, we tell you
Huh! shock the guy on the track
Yeah, yeah, stay the way you did and run again I tell you
This is the time when we must live as one
Love and cherish each and every one
Don't live in chain
Neither live in sin 'coz they're all
Live it up one time
Bawlin' for love
While some are laughing, I tell you
Everybody asking
Don't tell me it's shocking
Asking for love
Get on your stocking and keep on rocking
Beat it one time
Beat it up on the track
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