Satan Takes A Holiday
Текст песни Who Do You Voodoo?

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Текст песни Satan Takes A Holiday - Who Do You Voodoo?

I've been around
I know the game
What I have found
It's all the same
Inside your house
Beneath the mud
All made of sand
There will be blood
On the floor
It's on the floor
On the floor
All around your house
It's on your hands
On your hands
On your hands
It's all on your hands

Something had to change
You glued yourself to me
Sell me something new
Another weekend
With the glitterati

Who? who?
Who do you voodoo?
Who? who?
I voodoo you

Bang bang baby
You're going down
You've got blood on you
And you're going to die

I got the time
I got the time
I got the time
Yeah I've got the time
On the floor
You're on the floor
On the floor
And you're going to die

Diluted to the core
You step onto a scene
Where you sell your soul
For just one shot
At clubbing with the gliterati
Who? who?
Who do you voodoo?
Who? who?
Tell it to me!
I voodoo you

Who? who?
Who do you voodoo?
Who? who?
I voodoo you

Bang bang baby
You're going down
You've got blood on you
And you're going to die

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