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Dust devil swept you away
It's still not real
Ash and urn and silence
Talk to me
Dust devil swept you away
My recollections are all that's left of you
Swirl and sway
Without me
Dust devil swept you away
Whirling playful dancing
About you
What's left of you is
Ash and urn in this silent
Dust devil swept you away
It's still not real
Ash and urn and silence
Dust devil swept you away
My recollections are all that's left of you
Swirl and sway without me
Dust devil swept you away
Whirling playful dancing
What's left of you is
Ash and urn in this silent
Swirl and sway without me
Dust devil swept you away
Whirling playful dancing
About you
What's left of you is
Ash and urn in this
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