Текст песни Then i Met You

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Текст песни Proclaimers - Then i Met You

Thought that I'd be happy
Gonna be so happy living life alone
And never sharing anything
Thought that I was finished, thought that I was complete
Thought that I was whole istead of being half of something
Throught that I was growing, growing older
Wiser, understanding why this world held nothing for my spirit
Thought that I was destined, destined to be nothing, destined
To be nothing in this world and then I met you
I met you

Thought that God had failed me
Thought my prayers were useless
Thought that he would never give the chance for me to praise him
Thought the book was written
Thought the game had ended
Thought the song was sung and I could never sing another
Thought my faith was misplaced
Thought my back was broken
Broken by a weight that I was never fit to carry
Thought I knew this city, thought I knew all about it
And then one night I went to Morningside and you were waiting
Then I met you

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