Текст песни The Long Haul

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Текст песни Proclaimers - The Long Haul

The threat, they say
Comes from countries ending in '-an'
Where the family name is Khan
And they all read the Koran

The answer, they say
Is to bomb them all to dust
Then in fifty years they just
Might be able to see things our way

We're not barbarians
Like we were way back when
We've learned from history
So we're going round again

I miss the days
When the threat to our position
Didn't come from some religion
But from godless communism

We're not barbarians
Like we were way back when
We've learned from history
So we get to go round, get to go round
Get to go round, get to go round again

Tell your sons
Not to bother with football
Get a backpack on and crawl
We're in this for the long haul

Tell your sons
Not to bother with football
Get a backpack on and crawl
We're in this for the long haul

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