Текст песни Rosalee

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Текст песни Pretenders - Rosalee


Where you been so long?
Rosalee, Rosalee
Where you been so long?
When you smile at me
All the lights come on.


Rosalee, Rosalee
Come and dance with me again
Rosalee, Rosalee
Come and dance with me again
You're my one true love,
You're my oldest friend

It don't matter now
Who was right and who was wrong
It don't matter now
Who was right and who was wrong
Because you're here with me
I'm back where I belong

Rosa, come out here
in the summer night
Can you see out there,
Almost out of sight?
Your lovin' calls to me
Like that far distant light


OOOh Ro-oooooo-sa


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