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Pokemon Ieru ka naA BW by Pocket MonstersPokemon no namae ieta nara
iwareta Pokemon mo ureshii!
Pokemon no namae yonda nara?(rarara ieru ka na?)
Mijumaru Kurumiru Darumakka
Daburan Mamepato Enbuoo Zoroaaku
Dangoro Yanappu Zeburaika
Baoppu Hoiiga Hiyappu Pokabu!Choroneko Tsutaaja Marakacchi
Kokoromori Hahakomori
Meguroko Enmonga Mamanbou
Minezumi Koromori Desshiido!Kumashun Denchura Pendoraa Dokkoraa
Yanakkii Hiyakkii Baokkii
Gochimu Churine Doryuuzu Kurumayu Hihidaruma!(rarara ieru ka na?)
Chaobuu Zekuromu Yuniran Tsunbeaa Mebukijika
Moguryuu Warubiri Chirachiino
Bachuru Gandoru Wooguru
Monmen Dotekkotsu Gochimiru Janobii
Futachimaru Borutorosu Torunerosu Baffuron
Mushaana Fushide Nattorei!Pokemon no namae ieta nara
iwareta Pokemon mo ureshii!
Pokemon no namae yonda nara
dokoka de Pokemon ii henji!
dokoka de Pokemon ii henji!Zuruggu Chiraamii Reshiramu
Erufuun Baruchai Doredia
Jarooda Shikijika Washibon Tabunne GocharuzeruRankurusu Warubiaru Muurando Haaderia
Hatooboo Koaruhii Yooterii Shinboraa
Shimama Nageki Dageki Kenhorou Daikenki
Giaru Gigiaru Gigigiaru(rarara ieru ka na?)
Onondo Riguree Dasutodasu
Kojofuu Bikutini Tamagetake
Agirudaa Gigaiasu Kibago
Zuruzukin Kaburumo Morobareru!Shandera Goruugu Chobomaki Gamageroge
Otamaro Pururiru Ranpuraa
Iwaparesu Jiheddo Abagoora!Gamagaru Aaken Urugamosu Furiijio
Shubarugo Ononokusu
Komatana Gobitto Kuitaran!Pokemon no namae ieta nara
iwareta Pokemon mo ureshii!
Pokemon no namae yonda nara
dokoka de Pokemon ii henji!
dokoka de Pokemon ii henji!Desukaan Oobemu Aakeosu
Sazandora Randorosu Banipucchi Baniricchi Jibibiiru
Purotooga Meraruba Roobushin!Desumasu Kojondo Burungeru
Shibishirasu Kyuremu
Terakion Kobaruon Birijion Yabukuron
Zoroa Barujiito
Shibirudon Kurimugan Kirikizan
Rebarudasu Basurao Miruhoggu
Suwanna Munna Baibanira!Aianto Hitomoshi Monozu Ishizumai
...MaggyoPokemon no namae ieta ka na?
daitai iereba ii kanji!
Pokemon no namae ieta ka na?
Pokemontachi ga arigatou!
oboete kurete arigatou!
oboete kurete arigatou!
oboete kurete arigatou!
Pokemontachi ga arigatou!
oboete kurete arigatou!
oboete kurete arigatou!
English translation
If you're able to say the Pokemon's names,
the Pokemon whose names are said will be happy!
If you call out the Pokemon's names?(Lalala, can you say them?)
Oshawott, Sewaddle, Darumaka,
Duosion, Pidove, Emboar, Zoroark,
Roggenrola, Pansage, Zebstrika,
Pansear, Whirlipede, Panpour, Tepig!Purrloin, Snivy, Maractus,
Swoobat, Leavanny,
Sandile, Emolga, Alomomola,
Patrat, Woobat, Ferroseed!Cubchoo, Galvantula, Scolipede, Timburr,
Simisage, Simipour, Simisear,
Gothita, Petilil, Excadrill, Swadloon, Darmanitan!(Lalala, can you say them?)
Pignite, Zekrom, Solosis, Beartic, Sawsbuck,
Drilbur, Krokorok, Cinccino,
Joltik, Boldore, Braviary,
Cottonee, Gurdurr, Gothorita, Servine,
Dewott, Thundurus, Tornadus, Bouffalant,
Mushana, Venipede, Ferrothorn!If you're able to say the Pokemon's names,
the Pokemon whose names are said will be happy!
If you call out the Pokemon's names,
they will give you a nice reply from somewhere!
They will give you a nice reply from somewhere!Scraggy, Minccino, Reshiram,
Whimsicott, Vullaby, Lilligant,
Serperior, Deerling, Rufflet, Audino, Gothitelle.Reuniclus, Krookodile, Stoutland, Herdier,
Tranquill, Ducklett, Lillipup, Sigilyph,
Blitzle, Throh, Sawk, Unfezant, Samurott,
Klink, Klang, Klinklang.(Lalala, can you say them?)
Fraxure, Elgyem, Garbodor,
Mienfoo, Victini, Foongus,
Accelgor, Gigalith, Axew,
Scrafty, Karrablast, Amoonguss!Chandelure, Golurk, Shelmet, Seismitoad,
Tympole, Frillish, Lampent,
Crustle, Zweilous, Carracosta!Palpitoad, Archen, Volcarona, Cryogonal,
Escavalier, Haxorus,
Pawniard, Golett, Heatmor!If you're able to say the Pokemon's names,
the Pokemon whose names are said will be happy!
If you call out the Pokemon's names,
they will give you a nice reply from somewhere!
They will give you a nice reply from somewhere!Cofagrigus, Beheeyem, Archeops,
Hydreigon, Landorus, Vanillite, Vanillish, Eelektrik,
Tirtouga, Larvesta, Conkeldurr!Yamask, Mienshao, Jellicent,
Tynamo, Kyurem,
Terrakion, Cobalion, Virizion, Trubbish,
Zorua, Mandibuzz,
Eelektross, Druddigon, Bisharp,
Liepard, Basculin, Watchog,
Swanna, Munna, Vanilluxe!Durant, Litwick, Deino, Dwebble,
...Stunfisk.Are you able to say the Pokemon's names?
It sure feels nice to be able to say most of them!
Are you able to say the Pokemon's names?
The Pokemon will thank you!
Thank you for remembering our names!
Thank you for remembering our names!
Thank you for remembering our names!
The Pokemon will thank you!
Thank you for remembering our names!
Thank you for remembering our names!
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