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You're funky, some kind of funky Feel it, can you feel it Screamin' comin' at ya Screamin' comin' at ya Screamin' comin' at ya Feeling kind of funky, know what I'm saying I'm gonna rock you kid, just rock you, know what I'm saying Check it out a big old girl across the street Screamin' comin' at ya Screamin' comin' at ya Good god. That's what I'm talking about. Gotta give me a sammich, a soul sammich, know what I'm saying Some catfish, some lake trout, maybe a bean pie Soul sammich, so good Screamin' comin' at ya, Screamin' comin' at ya, know what I'm saying That's what I'm talking about I feel it, can you feel it too I'm with you, I took a shower I'm feeling funky, and my sister told me about that She said baby go on and she said how 'bout a sammich I said in commin' at ya. It's in commin' at you. This is good, long time to lay down a track Now look across the street, that's some funky feet Screamin' comin' at you, can you feel it, know what I'm saying Soul sammich I'm with you, soul sammich
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