Panda Joshua
Текст песни Buttermilk Holler

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Текст песни Panda Joshua - Buttermilk Holler

Holler down from the hills Miss Ruthie

The boys are comin' home

I'll fetch some kindling wood

And you unplug the phone

This old van's almost out of gas

Two more switchbacks to go

And I can see that front porch light

Gleamin' off a blanket of snow

There is a place on the east side of Tennessee

Where I can go when this old life starts killin' me

Sweet southern dreams below the Mason Dixon Line

One the east side of Tennessee by the border of Caroline

Two weeks in the City

Four weeks out on the road

My feel smell like a puffed up pig

And there's whiskey stains on my clothes

I think it's time for a good night's sleep

And a couple of home cooked meals

Time to hold a girl in my arms

Who knows just how I feel

Repeat Chorus

Yes I think it's time

For a good night's sleep

And a couple of home cooked meals

And to get some dirt between my toes

To remind me how it feels

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