Текст песни Too Many Moons

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Текст песни Owen - Too Many Moons

Au revoir, bonne chatte
There's too many moons and I'm but one man
You know I like to get lost without you
and return with dirty thoughts about you
Don't wait up
I'm not coming home until my insides hit the floor
Bonne nuit, martyr
There's so many moons and you're paralyzed with fear
Summer's sun brings new blood to bathe in
I can't swim but I'll dip a toe in
Don't wait up
I'm not coming home until these demons get bored
In mirrored eyes I see kerosene
and you've got the matches
(Just don't ask me to stay)
Bonjour, chere epouse
There's too many moons and I'm but one man

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