Текст песни New Decade

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Текст песни Gbh - New Decade

From the slums to the suburbs there's a rallying cry,
People are kicking authority, blacking it's eye.
It's sure time to party when your freedom comes,
Flowers poking out of the barrels of guns.

Like a punch-drunk fighter, I see your power fade,
Talking your place in this mad, mad, mad parade.

You pulled the pin from the last hand-grenade,
.. .. It's the start of a new decade.

You'll get your liberation from the soldiers and the cops,
The new wall is built and that is where the buck stops.
The underground has risen, select a chosen few.
So throw out the old, bring in the new.

You've over-run the ignorant, the bigots and the fools,
Burnin' in the decadence .. the new mob rules.

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