Former Ghosts
Текст песни Mother

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Текст песни Former Ghosts - Mother

I can't believe it is almost five years
and so much has changed since you've been gone
there are a million things I wish I could tell you
like I've met a girl whose eyes draw me in
to a world where my heart beats faster
and if only I could convince her of everything
and Grayson is doing just fine
he is starting to pull himself together
you can see the ocean from his bedroom window
and last time I spoke to your sister
she said she is thinking about going back to medical school
but I'm not sure I'm convinced

still nowhere feels like home

and dad is doing just fine
he has a girlfriend that cares a lot about him
but I'm not sure he is really in love
and really mom I'm doing just fine
I've put a lot of those old demons behind me
and I've got something in my heart called hope

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